- All Missouri voter are required to show a picture ID. A picture ID includes a state ID, a school ID, a work ID, or a U. S. passport. The idea is to put the face with the name.
- If the voter fails to show up with a picture ID, the vote could vote by affidavit. To vote by affidavit, a voter could use, a voter ID card or mail sent by the local election board, a utility bill or a financial statement, library card, or any information from school with the voter's name and address on it. Before the voter votes, the voter would be given a carbon-copy of the affidavit to take to the local board of election to get a free ID. This carbon-copy of the affidavit is all the voter would need to get a free ID. As long as the voter is registered, there is no need for a birth certificate. This would only apply to registered voters.
- Require identification to register to vote. I remember when this law passed, I was asking, "should we make sure the voter is eligible before showing up at the polls?" When I registered to vote at my local library when I turned 18, I had to show my library card, my insurance card, and raise my right hand and take an oath. Soliciting registration on the street should be banned. While there are a lot of well meaning people doing it, there are a lot of uninformed people doing it as well. In 2004, American Coming Together turned in thousand of fraudulent voter registration cards. This happened because they were paying people to register and the people they employed needed money. Since the commission was per voter, some were willing to open a phone book and put a name down.
- Another way I think we should allow registration is through checking a box. Just like one could check a box when you apply for your driver license, Missourians should be allowed to check a box on a high school graduation or GED application, or any documents you sign relation to College, apartment and housing, healthcare, or any dealing with the state agencies. For example, you apply for an apartment, you check that box so you new landlord will turn in you information to the local board of election. This provision would allow a high school student to check a box on the graduation application to register to vote.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
My voter ID proposal.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Win for Putin, Loss for Chavez
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Pay attention to the up coming political elections
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Decorated Officers Speak Out on ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,’
On Tuesday October 23rd, two former soldiers spoke about their experiences being gay and serving under the ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell’ policy at Washington University.
One was the first American soldier to be injured in the Iraq war Eric Alva. He gained a lot of acclaim upon his return home and was visited by every one from Nancy Pelosi to the President. He then took the opportunity to come out and speak out about the unfairness of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
His efforts have brought a lot of awareness to the issue.
There is a bill called the Military Readiness Enhancement Act H.R. 1246 that works to make things fair.
My Vision
Please join me and supporting the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Tell congress to repeal/dont_ask_dont_tell
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Bond endorses Rudy
In other News, Pakistani President Musharraf declares a state of emergency Yahoo! News. Gen. Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency in Pakistan on Saturday, suspending the constitution, replacing the chief justice before a crucial Supreme Court ruling on his future as president, and cutting communications in the capital. Click on the Telegraph TV to view the news TV News Now - Telegraph TV
Monday, October 22, 2007
Polish election means good news for business.
Alain Bie, a 30-year-old, bartender explains why he voted for Sarkozy, “The owner told me that normally I was restricted to 35 hours a week, but I told him I wanted to be able to work more and make more money.” Sarkozy ran on a motto called, “Work more, earn more.” Tusk promised to lower taxes. It seems that voters are preaching one messages, “Smaller government and lower taxes!”
Monday, October 15, 2007
Gibbons Announces Candidacy for Attorney General
PRESS CONTACT: (573) 356-9616
Gibbons Announces Candidacy for Attorney General
Pledges to Protect Missouri families on Two Day, Nine City Kickoff Tour
ST. LOUIS -Senate President Pro Tern Michael R. Gibbons, R-Kirkwood, announced today he will run to be the next Attorney General for the people of Missouri in 2008. Gibbons, joined by his family, friends, and supporters made the first announcement from life-long hometown of Kirkwood followed by stops in Columbia, Kansas City and Springfield.
"All the people of Missouri deserve to be safe in their homes and neighborhoods, their children protected" he said from his front porch. "Protecting the people of Missouri, protecting our families and children, protecting our homes and neighborhoods, protecting our towns and farms, protecting our lives -that is my number one priority, and is the reason I am running for Attorney General."
Gibbons outlined five visions he had for better protecting Missouri families and bring real change to the office of Attorney General. Gibbons said as Attorney General he would:
• Protect Missouri families by working with law enforcement and local prosecutors to capture and convict criminals and put them behind bars.
• Make sure taxpayer dollars are not wasted on big government so they can be used to fund law enforcement.
• Enforce illegal immigration laws.
• Fight for consumer rights.
• Eliminate conflicts of interest and allow no corruption in his office.
"As Attorney General, there will not be a "For Sale" sign in my office," Gibbons said. "We will implement a better system, in those limited times when we need to hire outside attorneys, that is open and transparent and I will refuse to accept campaign contributions from anyone the office is investigating or prosecuting."
Paid for Missourians for Gibbons, Janet Poppen, Treasurer
Monday, October 8, 2007
SHIP/ What should and shoudn't be done
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, known as North America Union
One idea I like is to fight against internet threats. Recognizing that citizens in all three countries use the internet for commerce, want to work together to protect customers from spyware and illegal spam. I also support a shared watch list on terrorism and information sharing. For more information, go to my Security and Prosperity site on the side of my blog.
/news/releases/Security and Prosperity
Friday, September 28, 2007
Watch out for the Liberal Rumor!!!
You can view this at
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Ahmadinejad is a goner!!
I advocate waiting it out. Everybody is not happy with President Ahmadinejad. He has not campaign promises The mirage: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's election campaign made all kinds of promises to the poor. So do they think he is delivering? Ali Moazzami visits the deprived districts of south Tehran New Internationalist - Find Articles.
The poor is not satisfied wit him What do people in poorer districts think of Ahmadinejad? Ali Moazzami finds out. March 2007 New Internationalist
Iran has rationed gas, which resulted in a protests Protesters torch Iran gas stations - CNN.com. Last year while the Democrats won control of congress, Ahmadinejad’s political opponents won control of the Assembly of Experts, a body of 86 senior clerics that monitors Iran’s supreme leader and chooses his successor. Ahmadinejad opponents lead in polls - Focus on Iran - MSNBC.com His term is up in 2009.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Electric companies plan to build more Nuclear Power Plants

Monday, September 10, 2007
Petraeus says draw down

Friday, September 7, 2007
Alternative tax or alternative confusion?
I have a better idea, flat tax. I believe we should remove the DOUs (deduction of understanding) and AMCs (Alternative Minimum Confusion) and ask people to pay 5% of earnings. One exemption, people with monthly earnings of $2,240 or less. People who are in this income range are high school and college students, seniors working at Mc Donald’s, and other people who are going month to month trying to get by. These people should be allowed to keep their money.
As for the rest of us, all we have to do is have 5% deducted from our earnings. I believe filing should be optional. We shouldn’t have to tell the government about the money we give them. And I believe that 5% would be enough to fund the government, we should make cutes to some programs and privatization to others. The less we spend to the federal government, the more we have to pay to the state government, and charities.
In other news, the U.S. Supreme Court would take up the D.C gun ban case D.C gun ban case Lets see if the Roberts Court rule the 2nd amendment protect individual rights. Petraeus told the Boston that he would recommend troop reduction starting next spring Petraeus interview The recommendation is based on the progress in Iraq. Did I say progress? Well, yes!!! If Democrat leadership and the antiwar left give the surge a chance, there would be a gradual withdraw of U.S. troops as Iraqi troops stand up.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
54 % says give the surge a chance!!!
The surge has reduce the violence in Bagdad, but the violence spreaded to other parts the country surge result A treaty Between Iraq and Syria could bring the violence could be going down in other parts of the country as well Iraq's/Syrian border pact Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and their Syrian counterparts signed an agreement last Tuesday to bolster security along the border, which US military officials say is the crossing point for most of the foreign fighters in Iraq. Now let’s see if Maliki can make the same deal with Iran. If he can, the surge in Bagdad, along with both border pacts, could bring down the violence in Iraq.
This military solution could buy time for political solution. Please join me in showing support for President Maliki, our troops, our allies, and our mission to reduce the violence in Iraq and providing peace in the Middle East.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Cold War all over again?
What all the member nations of the SCO needs to do is to work with the United States, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other nations in the fight against terrorism and support free trade and democracies so we can have peace in Central Asia and around the world.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
YR Day

Thursday, August 9, 2007
Obama is going to take us to World War III

Look at the map and learn about the region. You Afghanistan and Pakistan to the south. We can get to Pakistan by sea, but we have to fly over Pakistan to Afghanistan. Pakistani President Musharraf is allowing us fly over his country over the objections of his own people.
Now lets see what would happen if we attack Pakistan. First, Pakistan would fight back. So now we have to fly our troop over Pakistani’s rockets to get to Afghanistan. Since Pakistan is shooting at us, we shoot at Pakistan. Second, seeing this, India will side with us. India has been at odds at Pakistan over the region of Kashmir, so if India wins a war against Pakistan, India takes Pakistan. Third, Iran will side with Pakistan. Fourth, Israel bomb Iran. Israel, Pakistan, India, and the United States have nukes. Whether Iran have them or not, this would be the start of Nuclear War/World War III. Fortunately, there are other candidates in the Democrat Primary Democrats can choose from. No Republican in the Republican Primary is this stupid.
Here we go again, another school pray law suit
Since we are in the Suing spirit, what about a law suit against political opinions. For example, suing to keep politicians from speaking at graduations where students attend to celebrate a completion of degrees not to listen to political opinion. How about the liberal bias in our schools. I’m not just talking about at the college level; I’m talking about at the elementary and secondary education as well. I remember listening to Maxine Waters’s speech at my GED graduation. Her speech was nice except for the part when she criticized John Ashcroft. I voted for Ashcroft and no one heard my rebuttal. I feel if it is okay for someone to sue base on religious objection, it’s okay to sue for political objection.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Lobby Reform/Constitutional Question.
Congress's proposed lobby and ethics reform
• Requires that all member-directed spending, or earmarks, be identified on the Internet at least 48 hours before a vote, in a searchable form "if feasible."
• Bans gifts to members of Congress and staff from lobbyists and their clients, including free meals and tickets to events.
• Strips pensions and other retirement benefits from lawmakers convicted of bribery, perjury, or similar crimes.
For more information visit this link
Also, Congress passed H.R.3093. In this bill, funding would be suspended needed to enforce the 11 to 12 prison sentence of Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean. This bill attempts to do what President Bush is suppose to do, pardon them. While I support the bill's intentions, the bill is unconstitutional. America pay attention, this is what happens when we have a president that refuse to enforce the law and protect the boarder.
For more information visit this link
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Good News in Iraq
Iraq's soccer team won the Asian Cup after beating Saudia Arabia.
Read more
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
The Missouri Supreme Court on July 19 unanimously struck down a state law allowing unlimited campaign contributions and other changes to our campaign finance laws. This decision means that the state’s campaign contributions limits and laws are now similar to those during the 2006 election cycle. It is imperative that Missouri Republicans stay within the court-ordered campaign contribution limits and abide by the rules in place during 2006. The Supreme Court has not ruled on whether contributions already made will have to be returned. We will keep you updated as the issue develops. To read the Supreme Court opinion, go to: http://www.courts.mo.gov/Courts/PubOpinions.nsf/0f87ea4ac0ad4c0186256405005d3b8e/91b8b8cf4837c2bd8625731d0064ee58?OpenDocument
If you have questions regarding how this decision impacts your committee, candidates or organization, do not hesitate to call Emily Kliethermes at 573-636-316 or email her at ekliet@mogop.org
UPDATE: Click here to read the advisory statement from the Missouri Ethics Commission.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
8 out of 18 Iraqi benchmarks
- Form a constitutional review committee and complete review
- Enact and implement legislation on procedures to form semi-autonomous regions
- Support Baghdad Security by establishing political, economic and media security
- Provide 3 trained and independent Iraqi brigades
- Make sure that Baghdad security does not help terrorist or insurgents
- Establish a plan for joint security stations
- Protect minority rights
- Allocate $10 billion for reconstruction
Of the ones not met
- enact de-ba'athifications legislations
- enact legislations that would ensure equal distribution of hydrocarbon
- form election commission- mixed result
- enact amnesty legislation
- enact strong disarmament legislation
- give Iraqi commanders the authority to make decision without interference
- make sure the Iraqi security force is enforcing the law
- reduce the level of violence
- Increase the number of independant security forces
- insure government official aren't undermind
You could read the full report at
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Buchanan Sees a Hillary Make-over

Bay Buchanan-Former Treasurer of the United States-CNN Commentator, Author of The Extreme Makeover of Hillary Clinton had a book signing at Barnes and Noble in Manchester. A small crowd accompanied by robust spirits was at the book signing..
She began by outlining the basis for her book. She started of looking at Sen. Clinton’s reputation as a moderate. This she feels is a myth. She sighted many examples of why she felt Hillary Clinton is not a moderate and is not cut out to be President of the United States. She also spoke of the research process she went through. She noted that her sources were taken from both the left and the right. She said she felt Sen. Clinton was dishonest and sighted some examples that were personal in nature. She took issue with Clinton’s Senate record. She accused her of not standing up for her points of view and flip-flopping. There was a question and answer session at the end of the talk. The question one heard on more than one occasion was who could beat Hillary. After some back and forth she gave several answers. Her picks range from Mitt Romney, who she said could raise the money to Fred Thompson. Soon she was ready to leave traveling all over for a world wind book tour.
Down with the N-word
I hope this is the start of a new trend. Recently the NAACP held a funeral for the N-word. The NAACP is trying to get rappers, black stars, and every day back people to stop using the word. As a black man, I never used the N-word and I can't understand how other black men or women could find justification in using this word. http://newsmax.com/archives/ic/2007/7/9/130631.shtml?s=ic
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Interview with Sherman Parker
June 23, 2007
An Interview With:
Sherman Parker-Former State Representative, and founder of an African American Republican Group
How did you get interested in politics?
SP: I grew up around politics. The news was always on in my house. I loved current affairs. I never ran for any office in high school or college.
In high school I went to Boy State and met Bob Holden and Vince Shamel.
I caught the political bug.
How did you get your start?
SP: My first job ever was for the City of St. Louis City Hall. I got to sit in on aldermanic meetings and got to meet the alderman and the mayor. The only thing was, I was a Republican and I knew they were all democrats.
So, next I did an internship with Senator Kit Bond in college. I was going to the University of Vermont which is very progressive. I made lifelong friends there and pledged Delta PSI. Then I worked for Katherine Hanaway...
You are a Republican and you believe more African Americans should be Republicans. What does the Republican Party have to offer African American people?
SP: I believe that there needs to be a balance, and that African Americans need to be represented in both parties so our voices are heard no matter who is in power.
I believe that Republicans have something to offer African Americans in terms of educational reform, and economic development. For example, for subsidies that help people renovate buildings and start small businesses.
One issue that you seem to be concerned about is domestic violence, what got you interested in this issue? Do you have a plan to combat domestic violence and can you give me some details on it?
Without going into too many details mine as in many families we had our own run in with domestic violence. I was contacted by a constituent who was involved in a domestic violence incident and the police came to break it up and let her husband leave with his firearms. If there is a drug bust and and the police see guns when they come to arrest people they take every thing but not with domestic violence. I wrote a bill to close the loophole that allows abusive spouses to keep their firearms when they are removed from a domestic dispute. I don’t think it will ever be passed in Missouri. There is more grand standing than problem solving.
Another issue you feel is important is health care. What is wrong with the U.S. health care system that needs fixing?
SP: It is too expensive; there are 46 million uninsured, and its not so high quality.
What do you think we should do about it?
SP: I like the Massachusetts plan. I think the states will be a testing ground. There are new things that Governor Matt Blunt is doing. I think we should cover the young
One popular issue is national security? Are we safer than we were at 9/11? What do you feel still needs to be done?
SP: We are safer than we were at 9/11, but we need to secure the borders, North and South. The Canadian border needs a great deal of work. We need a troop presence, border stops.
Do you plan to run for office again?
SP: Yes, I plan to run again.
What are some of your latest initiatives?
SP: An African American Republican group, Missouri Spectrum.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
to "Strip workers of their voting rights?!?!?"
The following is information about the bill I pulled up from the U.S. House website. It's a good thing we have enough Republicans in the Senate to filibuster this proposal.
H.R.800 Title: To amend the National Labor Relations Act to establish an efficient system to enable employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to provide for mandatory injunctions for unfair labor practices during organizing efforts, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Rep Miller, George [CA-7] (introduced 2/5/2007) Cosponsors (233) Related Bills: H.RES.203, S.1041 Latest Major Action: 6/25/2007 Senate floor actions. Status: Motion to proceed to measure considered in Senate. House Reports: 110-23
Jump to: Summary, Major Actions, All Actions, Titles, Cosponsors, Committees, Related Bill Details, Amendments
SUMMARY AS OF: 3/1/2007--Passed House amended. (There are 2 other summaries)
Employee Free Choice Act of 2007 - Amends the National Labor Relations Act to require the National Labor Relations Board to certify a bargaining representative without directing an election if a majority of the bargaining unit employees have authorized designation of the representative (card-check) and there is no other individual or labor organization currently certified or recognized as the exclusive representative of any of the employees in the unit.
Sets forth special procedural requirements for reaching an initial collective bargaining agreement following certification or recognition.
Revises enforcement requirements with respect to unfair labor practices during union organizing drives, particularly a preliminary investigation of an alleged unfair labor practice which may lead to proceedings for injunctive relief.
Requires that priority be given to a preliminary investigation of any charge that, while employees were seeking representation by a labor organization, or during the period after a labor organization was recognized as a representative until the first collective bargaining contract is entered into, an employer: (1) discharged or otherwise discriminated against an employee to encourage or discourage membership in the labor organization; (2) threatened to discharge or to otherwise discriminate against an employee in order to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of guaranteed self-organization or collective bargaining rights; or (3) engaged in any other related unfair labor practice that significantly interferes with, restrains, or coerces employees in the exercise of such guaranteed rights.
Adds to remedies for such violations: (1) back pay plus liquidated damages; and (2) additional civil penalties.
Passed/agreed to in House: On passage Passed by recorded vote: 241 - 185 (Roll no. 118).
(Democrats in roman; Republicans in italic; Independents underlined) H R 800 RECORDED VOTE 1-Mar-2007 3:56 PM QUESTION: On Passage BILL TITLE: The Employee Free Choice Act
---- AYES 241 ---
AbercrombieAckermanAllenAltmireAndrewsArcuriBacaBairdBaldwinBarrowBeanBecerraBerkleyBermanBerryBishop (GA)Bishop (NY)BlumenauerBoswellBoucherBoyd (FL)Boyda (KS)Brady (PA)Braley (IA)Brown, CorrineButterfieldCappsCapuanoCardozaCarnahanCarneyCarsonCastorChandlerClarkeClayCleaverClyburnCohenConyersCooperCostaCostelloCourtneyCramerCrowleyCuellarCummingsDavis (AL)Davis (CA)Davis (IL)Davis, LincolnDeFazioDeGetteDelahuntDeLauroDicksDingellDoggettDonnellyDoyleEdwardsEllisonEllsworthEmanuelEngelEshooEtheridgeFarrFattahFergusonFilnerFossellaFrank (MA)GiffordsGillibrandGonzalezGordonGreen, AlGreen, GeneGrijalva
GutierrezHall (NY)HareHarmanHastings (FL)HersethHigginsHillHincheyHinojosaHironoHodesHoldenHoltHondaHooleyHoyerIsraelJackson (IL)Jackson-Lee (TX)Johnson (GA)Johnson, E. B.Jones (OH)KagenKanjorskiKapturKennedyKildeeKilpatrickKindKing (NY)Klein (FL)KucinichLampsonLangevinLantosLarsen (WA)Larson (CT)LaTouretteLeeLevinLewis (GA)LipinskiLoBiondoLoebsackLofgren, ZoeLoweyLynchMahoney (FL)MarkeyMarshallMathesonMatsuiMcCarthy (NY)McCollum (MN)McCotterMcDermottMcGovernMcHughMcIntyreMcNerneyMcNultyMeehanMeek (FL)Meeks (NY)MelanconMichaudMillender-McDonaldMiller (NC)Miller, GeorgeMitchellMollohanMoore (KS)Moore (WI)Moran (VA)Murphy (CT)Murphy, PatrickMurphy, TimMurthaNadlerNapolitano
Neal (MA)OberstarObeyOlverOrtizPallonePascrellPastorPaynePelosiPerlmutterPeterson (MN)PomeroyPrice (NC)RahallRangelReyesRodriguezRossRothmanRoybal-AllardRuppersbergerRushRyan (OH)SalazarSánchez, Linda T.Sanchez, LorettaSarbanesSaxtonSchakowskySchiffSchwartzScott (GA)Scott (VA)SerranoSestakShaysShea-PorterShermanShulerSiresSkeltonSlaughterSmith (NJ)Smith (WA)SnyderSolisSpaceSprattStarkStupakSuttonTannerTauscherThompson (CA)Thompson (MS)TierneyTownsUdall (CO)Udall (NM)Van HollenVelázquezViscloskyWalsh (NY)Walz (MN)Wasserman SchultzWatersWatsonWattWaxmanWeinerWelch (VT)WexlerWilson (OH)WoolseyWuWynnYarmuthYoung (AK)
---- NOES 185 ---
AderholtAkinAlexanderBachmannBachusBakerBarrett (SC)Bartlett (MD)Barton (TX)BiggertBilbrayBilirakisBishop (UT)BlackburnBluntBoehnerBonnerBonoBoozmanBorenBoustanyBrady (TX)Brown (SC)Brown-Waite, GinnyBuchananBurgessBurton (IN)BuyerCalvertCamp (MI)Campbell (CA)CannonCantorCapitoCarterCastleChabotCobleCole (OK)ConawayCrenshawCulbersonDavis (KY)Davis, DavidDavis, TomDeal (GA)DentDiaz-Balart, L.Diaz-Balart, M.DoolittleDrakeDreierDuncanEhlersEmersonEnglish (PA)EverettFallinFeeneyFlakeForbesFortenberry
FoxxFranks (AZ)FrelinghuysenGalleglyGarrett (NJ)GerlachGilchrestGillmorGingreyGohmertGoodeGoodlatteGrangerGravesHall (TX)HastertHayesHellerHensarlingHergerHobsonHoekstraHulshofHunterInglis (SC)IssaJindalJohnson (IL)Johnson, SamJones (NC)JordanKellerKing (IA)KingstonKirkKline (MN)KnollenbergKuhl (NY)LaHoodLambornLathamLewis (CA)Lewis (KY)LinderLucasLungren, Daniel E.MackManzulloMarchantMcCarthy (CA)McCaul (TX)McCreryMcHenryMcKeonMcMorris RodgersMicaMiller (FL)Miller (MI)Miller, GaryMoran (KS)MusgraveMyrick
NeugebauerNunesPaulPearcePencePeterson (PA)PetriPittsPlattsPorterPrice (GA)Pryce (OH)PutnamRadanovichRamstadRegulaRehbergReichertRenziReynoldsRogers (AL)Rogers (KY)Rogers (MI)RohrabacherRos-LehtinenRoskamRoyceRyan (WI)SaliSchmidtSensenbrennerSessionsShadeggShimkusShusterSimpsonSmith (NE)Smith (TX)SouderStearnsSullivanTancredoTaylorTerryThornberryTiahrtTiberiTurnerUptonWalbergWalden (OR)WampWeldon (FL)WellerWestmorelandWhitfieldWickerWilson (NM)Wilson (SC)WolfYoung (FL)
---- NOT VOTING 8 ---
CubinDavis, Jo AnnHastings (WA)
InsleeJeffersonMaloney (NY)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
fair background checks without infringing on 2nd Amendment
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
What is you state doing to fight terrorism.
see linkhttp://www.missourinet.com/gestalt/go.cfm?objectid=0E062801-F212-A114-0A6AA9C912064213
Steelman's Terrorism-Free Investment Policy Spreading to Other StatesSunday, June 10, 2007, 6:04 PMBy Steve WalshAn anti-terrorism idea that State Treasurer Sarah Steelman (R-MO) started in Missouri is spreading throughout the country, and Steelman is doing her part to spread the word. It's an effort to cut off the billions of dollars currently invested in companies that are doing business with countries engaged in terrorist activities.Steelman's movement, which began in Missouri, has taken her to Capitol Hill in Washington where she has testified before a U.S. House committee. And, it's taking root in a number of states, including California, where the State Assembly recently voted to bar that state employees' retirement system and its state teacher retirement system from investing in companies involved with Iran. Steelman isn't surprised with the growing support for the idea.The U.S. State Department bars investment in terrorism-sponsoring countries like Iran, Sudan, Syria, and North Korea - but Americans are still investing billions of dollars through international companies that are doing business with those countries. A lot of that money is in public pension funds, which prompted Steelman to create the first terrorism screening and divestment policy.
visit this link. http://potw.news.yahoo.com/s/potw/51/brokeback-hill
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Is Washinton out of touch
Missile Defense, What do you think about Russia's Proposal?