Bay Buchanan-Former Treasurer of the United States-CNN Commentator, Author of The Extreme Makeover of Hillary Clinton had a book signing at Barnes and Noble in Manchester. A small crowd accompanied by robust spirits was at the book signing..
She began by outlining the basis for her book. She started of looking at Sen. Clinton’s reputation as a moderate. This she feels is a myth. She sighted many examples of why she felt Hillary Clinton is not a moderate and is not cut out to be President of the United States. She also spoke of the research process she went through. She noted that her sources were taken from both the left and the right. She said she felt Sen. Clinton was dishonest and sighted some examples that were personal in nature. She took issue with Clinton’s Senate record. She accused her of not standing up for her points of view and flip-flopping. There was a question and answer session at the end of the talk. The question one heard on more than one occasion was who could beat Hillary. After some back and forth she gave several answers. Her picks range from Mitt Romney, who she said could raise the money to Fred Thompson. Soon she was ready to leave traveling all over for a world wind book tour.
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