Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm running for Congress

I'm running for congress.
That is right me, Damien Johnson, is running for House of Representative of the first congressional district. As your congressional leader, I want to advocate for a comprehensive energy plan. I'm a big advocate for the environment. On a personal level, I conserve energy and I urge other to do the same. For example, I ride my bike as my main way of transportation and recycle. I think we all can recycle, but I can't expect a head of house hold to a family of 4 on the handle bars. So I'm an advocate of more drilling to increase the supply of oil and I urge you to sign the Drill here, Drill Now petition. Alone with my support of more drilling, I believe the government should encourage the use of alternative energy. I support the renew of the green tax credits. Since the passage in 2005, these tax credits wind and solar power industries have seen a growth. Without the tax credits, America could fall behind in renewable energy.
The auto industries believe that they can produce viable plug in hybrids by the year 2010. To help them along the way, tax credits should be offered to them.
We need both tax credits and increase supply of oil and we need green tax credits so Americans won't have to soli depend on oil. Green tax credits is the governments way of encouraging environmental friendly energy.
So this November when you vote for McCain, write me in.
Type Damien Johnson if you are using the computer voting machines

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