So what does the future of the Republican look like?
Roy Blunt, U.S congressman and Father of Matt Blunt, recently announced that he would run for U.S. Senate in 2010. Robin Carnahan, our Secretary of State and Daughter of former Governor Mel Carnahan, announced that She is running as well. This race should be close. This race should be close and it's important that Blunt win this. Even if Blunt doesn't win, Republicans have changes in other states. Illinois Democrats have a problem they need to solve before next years election, Roland Burris. If they don't solve this problem, a Republican would be a shoe-in for that seat. Despite calls for him to resign, Burris would not resign. Well, what do you expect from a guy who said yes to Blagojevich. Watch this video.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger can't run for President, but he can run for Senate. Barbara Boxer would be up for election that year. Schwarzenegger has been elected twice. Since day one, he worked across party line and sometimes balking his own party to balance the state budget. He refused to show up at the Republican convention last year until the state budget problem was solved. We could use him in the Senate. I look forward for the Republicans to increase there numbers in the Senate. Had there been more Republicans in the Senate, the make up of the so-call stimulus package would be a lot different. According to Michael Grabell and Jennifer LaFleur's ProPublica articale, all the money will not go where it need to go.
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I'm a Director of Greater St. Louis Area NORML, National Organization for Reform Marijuana Laws. I'm also a Political Activist and Notary Public.
I'm currently a student at Webster University. When I was a student a UMSL, the was no conservative, nonliberal, columnist in the campus paper and the campus paper was not to friendly to the idea of having one. So I started a blog and I'm working on a paper news letter. I hope we can have an intelligent discussion.
My political participation consist of:
Active member of the Young Republicans, Vice-President of the St. Louis Area Log Cabin Republican, NRA member.