Tuesday, June 26, 2007

to "Strip workers of their voting rights?!?!?"

Currently if employees want to Unionize, they would have to vote for it through a secret ballot supervised by the federal government. Democrats proposed to change the law to allow employees to vote but not allow secret ballot. This pill would take away the privacy that every voter has a right to, the right to vote in secret with out intimidation. Senator McConnell said it best,"Republicans will remind our constituents about the fact that Democrats proposed to strip workers of their voting rights." Yes we will. I have nothing against Unions. I believe in voting rights. Remember how the Democrats claim that voter ID laws would disenfranchise the poor and elderly? How could Democrats come up with this proposal. Does the Democrats consider Unions more important than voting rights?
The following is information about the bill I pulled up from the U.S. House website. It's a good thing we have enough Republicans in the Senate to filibuster this proposal.

H.R.800 Title: To amend the National Labor Relations Act to establish an efficient system to enable employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to provide for mandatory injunctions for unfair labor practices during organizing efforts, and for other purposes. Sponsor: Rep Miller, George [CA-7] (introduced 2/5/2007) Cosponsors (233) Related Bills: H.RES.203, S.1041 Latest Major Action: 6/25/2007 Senate floor actions. Status: Motion to proceed to measure considered in Senate. House Reports: 110-23
Jump to: Summary, Major Actions, All Actions, Titles, Cosponsors, Committees, Related Bill Details, Amendments
SUMMARY AS OF: 3/1/2007--Passed House amended. (There are 2 other summaries)
Employee Free Choice Act of 2007 - Amends the National Labor Relations Act to require the National Labor Relations Board to certify a bargaining representative without directing an election if a majority of the bargaining unit employees have authorized designation of the representative (card-check) and there is no other individual or labor organization currently certified or recognized as the exclusive representative of any of the employees in the unit.
Sets forth special procedural requirements for reaching an initial collective bargaining agreement following certification or recognition.
Revises enforcement requirements with respect to unfair labor practices during union organizing drives, particularly a preliminary investigation of an alleged unfair labor practice which may lead to proceedings for injunctive relief.
Requires that priority be given to a preliminary investigation of any charge that, while employees were seeking representation by a labor organization, or during the period after a labor organization was recognized as a representative until the first collective bargaining contract is entered into, an employer: (1) discharged or otherwise discriminated against an employee to encourage or discourage membership in the labor organization; (2) threatened to discharge or to otherwise discriminate against an employee in order to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of guaranteed self-organization or collective bargaining rights; or (3) engaged in any other related unfair labor practice that significantly interferes with, restrains, or coerces employees in the exercise of such guaranteed rights.
Adds to remedies for such violations: (1) back pay plus liquidated damages; and (2) additional civil penalties.
Passed/agreed to in House: On passage Passed by recorded vote: 241 - 185 (Roll no. 118).
the Roll Call

(Democrats in roman; Republicans in italic; Independents underlined) H R 800 RECORDED VOTE 1-Mar-2007 3:56 PM QUESTION: On Passage BILL TITLE: The Employee Free Choice Act




---- AYES 241 ---
AbercrombieAckermanAllenAltmireAndrewsArcuriBacaBairdBaldwinBarrowBeanBecerraBerkleyBermanBerryBishop (GA)Bishop (NY)BlumenauerBoswellBoucherBoyd (FL)Boyda (KS)Brady (PA)Braley (IA)Brown, CorrineButterfieldCappsCapuanoCardozaCarnahanCarneyCarsonCastorChandlerClarkeClayCleaverClyburnCohenConyersCooperCostaCostelloCourtneyCramerCrowleyCuellarCummingsDavis (AL)Davis (CA)Davis (IL)Davis, LincolnDeFazioDeGetteDelahuntDeLauroDicksDingellDoggettDonnellyDoyleEdwardsEllisonEllsworthEmanuelEngelEshooEtheridgeFarrFattahFergusonFilnerFossellaFrank (MA)GiffordsGillibrandGonzalezGordonGreen, AlGreen, GeneGrijalva
GutierrezHall (NY)HareHarmanHastings (FL)HersethHigginsHillHincheyHinojosaHironoHodesHoldenHoltHondaHooleyHoyerIsraelJackson (IL)Jackson-Lee (TX)Johnson (GA)Johnson, E. B.Jones (OH)KagenKanjorskiKapturKennedyKildeeKilpatrickKindKing (NY)Klein (FL)KucinichLampsonLangevinLantosLarsen (WA)Larson (CT)LaTouretteLeeLevinLewis (GA)LipinskiLoBiondoLoebsackLofgren, ZoeLoweyLynchMahoney (FL)MarkeyMarshallMathesonMatsuiMcCarthy (NY)McCollum (MN)McCotterMcDermottMcGovernMcHughMcIntyreMcNerneyMcNultyMeehanMeek (FL)Meeks (NY)MelanconMichaudMillender-McDonaldMiller (NC)Miller, GeorgeMitchellMollohanMoore (KS)Moore (WI)Moran (VA)Murphy (CT)Murphy, PatrickMurphy, TimMurthaNadlerNapolitano
Neal (MA)OberstarObeyOlverOrtizPallonePascrellPastorPaynePelosiPerlmutterPeterson (MN)PomeroyPrice (NC)RahallRangelReyesRodriguezRossRothmanRoybal-AllardRuppersbergerRushRyan (OH)SalazarSánchez, Linda T.Sanchez, LorettaSarbanesSaxtonSchakowskySchiffSchwartzScott (GA)Scott (VA)SerranoSestakShaysShea-PorterShermanShulerSiresSkeltonSlaughterSmith (NJ)Smith (WA)SnyderSolisSpaceSprattStarkStupakSuttonTannerTauscherThompson (CA)Thompson (MS)TierneyTownsUdall (CO)Udall (NM)Van HollenVelázquezViscloskyWalsh (NY)Walz (MN)Wasserman SchultzWatersWatsonWattWaxmanWeinerWelch (VT)WexlerWilson (OH)WoolseyWuWynnYarmuthYoung (AK)
---- NOES 185 ---
AderholtAkinAlexanderBachmannBachusBakerBarrett (SC)Bartlett (MD)Barton (TX)BiggertBilbrayBilirakisBishop (UT)BlackburnBluntBoehnerBonnerBonoBoozmanBorenBoustanyBrady (TX)Brown (SC)Brown-Waite, GinnyBuchananBurgessBurton (IN)BuyerCalvertCamp (MI)Campbell (CA)CannonCantorCapitoCarterCastleChabotCobleCole (OK)ConawayCrenshawCulbersonDavis (KY)Davis, DavidDavis, TomDeal (GA)DentDiaz-Balart, L.Diaz-Balart, M.DoolittleDrakeDreierDuncanEhlersEmersonEnglish (PA)EverettFallinFeeneyFlakeForbesFortenberry
FoxxFranks (AZ)FrelinghuysenGalleglyGarrett (NJ)GerlachGilchrestGillmorGingreyGohmertGoodeGoodlatteGrangerGravesHall (TX)HastertHayesHellerHensarlingHergerHobsonHoekstraHulshofHunterInglis (SC)IssaJindalJohnson (IL)Johnson, SamJones (NC)JordanKellerKing (IA)KingstonKirkKline (MN)KnollenbergKuhl (NY)LaHoodLambornLathamLewis (CA)Lewis (KY)LinderLucasLungren, Daniel E.MackManzulloMarchantMcCarthy (CA)McCaul (TX)McCreryMcHenryMcKeonMcMorris RodgersMicaMiller (FL)Miller (MI)Miller, GaryMoran (KS)MusgraveMyrick
NeugebauerNunesPaulPearcePencePeterson (PA)PetriPittsPlattsPorterPrice (GA)Pryce (OH)PutnamRadanovichRamstadRegulaRehbergReichertRenziReynoldsRogers (AL)Rogers (KY)Rogers (MI)RohrabacherRos-LehtinenRoskamRoyceRyan (WI)SaliSchmidtSensenbrennerSessionsShadeggShimkusShusterSimpsonSmith (NE)Smith (TX)SouderStearnsSullivanTancredoTaylorTerryThornberryTiahrtTiberiTurnerUptonWalbergWalden (OR)WampWeldon (FL)WellerWestmorelandWhitfieldWickerWilson (NM)Wilson (SC)WolfYoung (FL)
---- NOT VOTING 8 ---
CubinDavis, Jo AnnHastings (WA)
InsleeJeffersonMaloney (NY)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

fair background checks without infringing on 2nd Amendment

Yesterday the U.S. House passed a Bill sponsored by Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY). Normally I would oppose bills by McCarthy, but his bill is reasonable. As we heard, the shooter at VT shouldn't been about to acquire a firearm because he was court ordered to a hospital. Unfortunately, the NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) didn't pick up this information. Under McCarthy's pill, the NICS would be able to do so. This bill has support of the NRA http://www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=3097. This bill moves to the Senate.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What is you state doing to fight terrorism.

To day I'm proud to say that my state treasurer, Sarah Steelman, is playing her role in the war against terror. She is cutting of state funds that is doing business with terror groups.

see linkhttp://www.missourinet.com/gestalt/go.cfm?objectid=0E062801-F212-A114-0A6AA9C912064213

Steelman's Terrorism-Free Investment Policy Spreading to Other StatesSunday, June 10, 2007, 6:04 PMBy Steve WalshAn anti-terrorism idea that State Treasurer Sarah Steelman (R-MO) started in Missouri is spreading throughout the country, and Steelman is doing her part to spread the word. It's an effort to cut off the billions of dollars currently invested in companies that are doing business with countries engaged in terrorist activities.Steelman's movement, which began in Missouri, has taken her to Capitol Hill in Washington where she has testified before a U.S. House committee. And, it's taking root in a number of states, including California, where the State Assembly recently voted to bar that state employees' retirement system and its state teacher retirement system from investing in companies involved with Iran. Steelman isn't surprised with the growing support for the idea.The U.S. State Department bars investment in terrorism-sponsoring countries like Iran, Sudan, Syria, and North Korea - but Americans are still investing billions of dollars through international companies that are doing business with those countries. A lot of that money is in public pension funds, which prompted Steelman to create the first terrorism screening and divestment policy.
So you don't agree with their postion, and their gay, you out them?

As someone who advocate for equality for everyone regardless of you sexual orientation, I believe you send mixe messages to out someone because you disagree with them. To do so would mean, your political position is more important them someones privacy. Mike Rogers take pride in outing gays who he disagree with.

visit this link. http://potw.news.yahoo.com/s/potw/51/brokeback-hill

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Is Washinton out of touch

Most American Believe we need to inforce the current immigration laws. So why don't we do it?

Lates Fox Presidential polls

Click on the link to view the latest Fox polls


Missile Defense, What do you think about Russia's Proposal?

United states proposed to place a missile defense system in Poland. Russia ubjected claiming that US was placing missiles aiming at them. Russia proposed placing a defense system in Azerbaijan


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